“April, April gör som han vil” (April, April does as he likes)

The title is a swedish saying to describe that the weather of april is complete unpredictable.
Summer and winter are fighting for dominion. Snow and morning frost can turn into 20 degrees in the sun and back in one day. Clear weather can change to clouds, fog and rain. But there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.

April has also been a month of much coming and going on Allmogegarden.
First we were eleven wwoofers, then only four, and now we have full house with thirteen people. The french colony (five persons) has been overtaken by a german invasion (six persons) spiced up with a bit of Finnish and American, on a base of scandinavian.

Two cats also left (though they were protected fiercely by the many cat-lovers in the house.) Both got new families, in other parts of Sweden. Roman went to the place of two former wwoofers.

The easter came and went. We did and easter-dinner with easter-dishes from everyones homecountry, and made a huge bon(e)fire with old bones from the slaughters, and somebody ate all the easter candy in the dusk of night…mysterious…:)

The “sheep-haircutter” came by one afternoon, and in one hour he had done all 16 sheeps. So now they are free of their wool and ready for summer. But they do look a bit naked now.
Now the work is mainly with the planting, and in the fields carrying stones and preparing the soil.


Soon the time for animal births is over us. The hens has already begun with small chickens, in two weeks the lambs will come and later the calfs, and the piglets. A real babyboom. Only one part is missing. Still Maria and Bengt’s try to make the wwoofers produce small baby-wwoofers has proven unsuccessful. Maybe next year…:)
We have run into a milk crisis. Anna-Mai is the only cow milking now, and with 15 in the house, the demand is ony growing. Therefore we have appointed a "Milk Majesty" to have control over the limited ressources and to take all the important descessions about saving cream for butter etc. This is done to prevent chaos and anarchy, but the power of the Milk Majesty is smouldering and the crowds are whispering about rebellion. The next month will be crucial in the small realm of Allmogegarden... Follow next chapter in "A Game of Thrones Diary" in next blog.  
"Spring is coming!"


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